
We are fully authorized to use the ILAC-MRA recognition mark

In addition to the full member status of the European Accreditation Cooperation (EA), in the summer of 2022 the State Agency “Latvian National Accreditation Bureau” (LATAK) has become a full member of two more international accreditation organizations – the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). By becoming a full member of international accreditation organizations, LATAK and its accredited conformity assessment institutions, among other things, get the opportunity to use the conformity marks of international accreditation organizations, which are highly recognizable in the global market.

As the Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute Testing Laboratory has been accredited by LATAK in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements, since 11.2022. we are fully entitled to use the ILAC-MRA recognition mark. Consequently, the testing and classification reports issued by the Testing Laboratory have gained not only a new visual design, but also recognition of the provided services in the global market.

[1] https://www.latak.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/latak-pilntiesigs-starptautiskas-akreditacijas-biedrs

EN ISO/IEC 17025