The mechanical testing sector of the Testing Laboratory accomplishes the testing of wood and its products including construction product testing in accordance with internationally recognised standards.
- Wood-based panels (EN 310:1993, EN 319:1993, EN 322:1993, EN 323:1993, EN 314-1:2004, EN 317:1993)
- Sawn timber (ISO 13061-2:2014+Amd.1:2017 8.1., EN 13183-1:2002+AC:2003, EN 408:2010 +A1:2012 cl. 9., 10. and 19., EN 13183-2:2002 +AC:2003)
- Glued structural timber (ISO 13061-2:2014+Amd.1:2017 8.1., EN 13183-1:2002+AC:2003, EN 408:2010+A1:2012 cl. 9., 10., 19., EN 13183-2:2002+AC:2003, EN 14080:2013 Annex C)
- Doors and windows – thermal transmittance (U value) calculation (EN ISO 10077-1:2017, EN ISO 10077-2:2017, EN 14351-1+A2:2016, 4.12)
- Adhesives (EN 205:2016)
- Wood based panels (EN 320:2011; EN 321:2001; EN 789:2004 7.5.1. and 7.5.2.)
- Glued structural timber (EN 14080:2013 Annex D and Annex I cl. I.7.4.)
- Blanks and semi-finished profiles for doors and windows (CEN/TS 13307-2:2009)
- Wood pallet collars (EN 13454:2002 6.2.2., 6.4.1, 6.4.5. and 6.5.2. and
- Small clear wood specimens (ISO 13061-1:2014; ISO 13061-2:2014; ISO 13061-3:2014; ISO 13061-4:2014; ISO 13061-11:2017; ISO 13061-15:2017; ISO 13061-17:2017)
The testing laboratory has been accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau LATAK in accordance with the requirements of LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and has been assigned registration No. T-316.
Accreditation certificate and scope available here.
Mechanical testing sector determines mechanical characteristics of solid wood and wood based panel materials in bending, tension, compression and shear; the ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity of wood materials and structural elements for load bearing constructions; strength properties of wood materials jointed lengthwise.
There are installed comprehensive testing devices in the mechanical testing sector with maximum loading range up to 100 kilonewtons (kN) in both tension and compression, and versatile equipment which provides wide possibilities for testing of wide range of construction products and product physically mechanical characteristics.
Accredited testing methods according to the list of methods (the list of methods AD-04, v.27):
Testing methods outside the scope of accreditation for evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties of the wood and wood-based products:
Updated: 24.05.2023.
Updated: 07.02.2025.

Jānis Iejavs
Head of the Mechanical Testing Sector Phone: +371 29847056